[anshu@Fedora7 ~]$ lspci | grep Network
02:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02)
Setting up Wireless (WIFI) network in Linux ( Fedora7 )is not that "Normal"_user_friendly, so I am sorry , command-line will be involved here.
After you have installed Desktop setup for your Favorite operating system, you will then want to get WIFI going. First I will tell you the checklist ,then in video I will myself try to get WIFI network working. all commands should suit to any distro (Opensuse,RHEL etc) for matching hardware.
First download Freshrpms.net rpm for getting repo in your yum installer. Then go for following packages.
sudo yum install ipw3945 ipw3945-ucode ipw3945d
ATTN:- To get sudo command working you will need to visit my previous post to enable sudo
Then download the startup file http://fedoraos.org/ipw3945/ipw3945 and go for following steps.
sudo cp /path/to/ipw3945 /etc/init.d
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/ipw3945
chkconfig --add ipw3945
* moving startfile 'ipw3945' to startup daemon directory.
* making the file 'ipw3945' as Executable (binary).
* making this startup executable daemon , always start whenever you boot.
now you will have to reboot and press 'ALT+F2' key and type 'system-config-network' you will need to select Wlan0 card and click 'Activate' to start WIFI.
If you see the clip, you will notice, After rebooting into system and Loading Gnome, I had to kill nm-applet and start it again to get WIFI going.